Social Login

Social Login

We provide the social login for Facebook, Gmail and LinkedIn. For that we have to provide id, secret key and callback url in the .env file.

For Facebook, register your app here then click on settings on sidenav.

  • From the basic settings you will be able to access your API key and API secret.

  • Also, click the Add Platform button below the settings configuration. Select Website in the platform dialog then enter the website URL, in our case it is ( )

  • Set the App Domains to your site url, privacy policy and terms of service url (\ and choose the category as Business then save the settings.

  • Then Click on App Review tab ->Choose Yes For Make Your Site Public.

  • Now Click the Add Product tab on settings from sidenav and add the facebook login.

  • Next Click on Facebook Login ->Client OAuth Settings Section select yes for all except Use Strict Mode For Redirect URLS. and Enter Valid OAtuth Redirect URLS( )choose yes for login from devices.

    then save.

Note: The values of FACEBOOK_ID, FACEBOOK_SECRET and FACEBOOK_URL should be set in your .env file. The FACEBOOK_URL in this case will be ( ):

For Google, Creating a Google API Console project and clientID

Before you can integrate Google Sign-In into your website, you must have a Google API Console project. In the project, you create a client ID, which you need to call the sign-in API.

To create a Google API Console project and client ID, follow these steps:

  • From the project drop-down, select an existing project , or create a new one by selecting Create a new project.

  • In the sidebar under "APIs & Services", select Credentials, then select the OAuth consent screen tab.

     `a).Choose An Email    Address, specify a Product Name and press save.`
  • In the Credentials tab, Select the Create Credentials drop-down list and choose OAuth client ID.

  • Under Application type, select Web application.

         Register    the origins from which your app is allowed    to access the Google    APIs, as    follows.    An origin is a unique    
      combination    of protocol, hostname, and port.
  • In the Authorized JavaScript origins field, enter the origin for your app. You can enter multiple origins to allow for your app to run on different protocols, domains, or subdomains. You cannot use wildcards. In the example below, the second URL could be a production URL.

      The Authorised Redirect URI require a value. Press the create button.
  • From the resulting OAuth client dialog box, copy the client id. The Client Id lets your app access enabled Google APIs.

For LinkedIn, Please Follow The Steps

To connect your Auth0 app to LinkedIn, you will need to generate a Client ID and Client Secret into your Auth0 settings, and enable the connection.

Log into the developer portal

Login to the LinkedIn Developer portal and click My Apps:

Create your app

Click the Create Application button.

Complete information about your app

For the Website URL field enter the following URL:

https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN ( Then complete all the required fields on the form. Click Submit.

Enter Redirect URL

Enter the following URL in the Authorized Redirect URLs field and click Add:

https://YOUR\_AUTH0\_DOMAIN/login/callback    (

Next click on Update button.

Get your Client ID and Client Secret

On the same page you will be able to see your Client ID and Client Secret under the Authentication Keys section:

Copy your Client Id and Client Secret into Auth0

Login to the Connections > Social section of the Auth0 Dashboard.

Select the LinkedIn connection to access its Settings page.

Copy the Client Id into the API Key section and Client Secret into the Secret Key section.

Enable any desired permissions and attributes then click SAVE.

Enable the Connection

Go to the Apps tab of the LinkedIn connection on Auth0 and select each of your existing Auth0 apps for which you want to enable this connection:

Test your app

Go back to the Connections > Social section of the Auth0 dashboard.

A TRY icon will now be displayed next to the LinkedIn logo:

Click TRY.

You will see the LinkedIn Authorize screen, click Allow to finish creating the connection.

If you have configured everything correctly, you will see the It works!!! page:

Access LinkedIn API

Once you successfully authenticate a user, LinkedIn includes an access token in the user profile it returns to Auth0.

You can then use this token to call their API.

In order to get a LinkedIn access token, you have to retrieve the full user's profile, using the Auth0 Management API, and extract the access token from the response. For detailed steps refer to Call an Identity Provider API.

Once you have the token you can call the API, following LinkedIn's documentation.

Last updated