Laravel 5.7

We have split this installation into 3 parts

  • Pre-requisites

  • Installation

  • after setup


In order to use JOSH which is a developer oriented product, you should have basic idea of following tools and make sure they are installed in your sytem.

Windows Users If you don't want to install all of them manually, please download laragon


you can check if you have git by running git --version in terminal, if you don't have can get it from

or on *nix system, you can install by running apt-get install git command


you can check if you have nodejs installed or not by running nodejs -v in terminal, if you don't have it... you can get it from

for *nix system, find instructions here


you can check for yarn existence by running yarn -v in terminal, if you don't have it, you can get from their their website and follow instructions mentioned there


you can check for composer existence by running composer -v in terminal and if you don't have it, get it from


The zip file contains all laravel files integrated with josh, however you need to perform following steps to get vendors etc.

Get Composer packages

composer install


chmod -R 775 storage

chmod 775 bootstrap/cache

If you are on linux/ mac you can run below command to chown it.

chown -R www-data /var/www/html

database credentials

cp .env.example .env

open .env and modify database details with yours

Generate Key

php artisan key:generate

add tables to databaes

php artisan migrate

add admin to users table

php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder

compiling assets

yarn install

npm run dev

if everything compiles successfully, by now you should have a working website

you can access your website at http://URL/public (if not using virtualhosts) or http://URL (if using virtualhosts) and you can access admin section by going to http://URL/public/admin or http://URL/admin respectively.

After setup

Still we need to get some keys and setup things to make sure josh is working properly

Uploads folders permission

we need to provide write permission to following folder






CRUD folders permission

our GUI crud generator writes new files to many folders and if you are on *nix, you need to adjust permissions

please check for details

Recaptcha keys

Josh has Google recaptcha feature for signup, login etc

follow this guide to set recaptcha

Analytics keys

Josh admin panel can display Google analytics data right in your josh dashboard without leaving site, for which you need to get json file from google site and set analytics view

follow for more details

Google map keys

you need to get google maps keys for maps pages to work, if you don't need these pages, you can ignore it.

Social Login

you can see facebook etc login options in signup and login pages, to make them working properly, please follow this guide

Last updated