Fresh Installation

Fresh Installation

This zip file contains all laravel files integrated with josh, however you need to perform following steps to get vendors etc.

Get Composer packages

composer install


chmod -R 755 storage

chmod 755 bootstrap/cache

If you are on linux/ mac you can run below command to chown it.

chown -R www-data /var/www

database credentials

open .env and modify database details with yours

add tables to databaes

php artisan migrate

add admin to users table

php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder

compile assets

If you don't have good knowledge on nodejs and npm, you can copy public folder files from codecanyon's downloaded files.

Make sure you have nodejs installed in your system

install gulp, bower globally

npm install -g gulp bower

install local packages

npm install

install sass globally

npm install -g node-sass

get bower components

gulp bower

move assets to public



open your website and now it should be fully working :)

Last updated