
Using this macro file we can call particular breadcrumb from all the breadcrumbs by using gulp nunjucks --layout layoutname --breadcumb breadcrumbname. Breadcrumb Names are bc-default, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0.

{% macro page_bc(bc) %}

{% if bc=="default" %}
    {% include "partials/bc-default.html" %}

{% elif bc=="0" %}

{% elif bc=="1" %}
    {% include "partials/bc1.html" %}

{% elif bc=="2" %}
    {% include "partials/bc2.html" %}

{% elif bc=="3" %}
    {% include "partials/bc3.html" %}

{% elif bc=="4" %}
    {% include "partials/bc4.html" %}

{% elif bc=="5" %}
    {% include "partials/bc5.html" %}

{% else %}
    {% include "partials/bc-default.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{{ page_bc(bc) }}

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